Capital Celluloid - Day 17: Monday Jan 17, 2011

James Naremore talk on The Big Sleep: BFI Southbank, NFT 1, 6.30pm

The Big Sleep is the centrepiece of the BFI Southbank's Howard Hawks season and this talk by James Naremore, author of numerous excellent works on film, should be fascinating. Naremore has written extensively on film noir and one of his best known volumes is Acting in the Cinema. His BFI Southbank lecture will centre on the contrast between Hawks and The Big Sleep's author, Raymond Chandler.

The introduction to the lecture in the BFI Southbank programme states: "In this talk Naremore charts this meeting of minds with particular reference to morality and politics; gender, sexuality and orientalism; and style and characterisation."

My comments on The Big Sleep are under the Friday Jan 13 entry below.

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