Capital Celluloid - Day 60: Tuesday Mar 1, 2011

Eraserhead (Lynch 1976): Bethnal Green Workingmen's Club, 44 Pollard Row, E2 6NB, 7.45pm

The wonderful people at Close-Up have put together a superb David Lynch season and they cannot be faulted in their selection of the director's oeuvre. Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire are to follow and you can find all the details of the season here.

Eraserhead begins the season and takes me back to an era before video, DVD and social media when print and word-of-mouth were the main forms of communication where a film was concerned. Lynch's debut was a must-see back in the late 1970s and it was fitting that the movie had its premiere at a midnight screening at the Cinema Village in New York as the midnight-movie circuit was responsible for popularising this indefinable work.

Eraserhead is a seminal work in the history of independent film and is as much a must-see now for anyone interested in what film can achieve as it was when first released. Here is an extract, highlighting Lynch's innovative use of sound.

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