Capital Celluloid - Day 78: Sunday Mar 20, 2011

Bad Timing (Roeg, 1980) BFI Southbank NFT1, 8.30pm

The Nicholas Roeg season continues at BFI Southbank with this complex tale of an American couple's affair in Vienna. The producers, as with a number of movies by the director, did not know or, possibly, like what they had on their hands here and this was poorly distributed at the time.

It isn't surprising the film suffered indifferent attention from the studio and puzzlement from the critics at the time as this is a disturbing and complicated work. Labyrinthine plotting; cross-cutting; masculinity crisis and dazzling camerawork - all the touches associated with Roeg are here. If you like the Roeg oeuvre you are in for a treat. The ending stayed with me for quite some time.

Here is the trailer

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