Capital Celluloid - Day 97: Friday Apr 8, 2011

Stanley Kubrick's Boxes (Ronson, 2008) plus Full Metal Jacket (Kubrick, 1987):
Gate Cinema, Notting Hill, 8.30pm

Journalist Jon Ronson, who was given access to Stanley Kubrick's amazing archive, introduces this double-bill which begins with Ronson's own documentary on the director's collection and ends with Kubrick's brilliant Vietnam war movie.

Here is Ronson's original Guardian article about his trawl through Kubrick's boxes:

"There are boxes everywhere - shelves of boxes in the stable block, rooms full of boxes in the main house. In the fields, where racehorses once stood and grazed, are half a dozen portable cabins, each packed with boxes. These are the boxes that contain the legendary Kubrick archive."

Here is the beginning of part two of the movie.

If you haven't seen the film it begins with a full-on assault on the audience. It doesn't let up. Go see.

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