Capital Celluloid - Day 144: Wednesday May 25

Too Long For The Duke Night: The Duke Mitchell Film Club
King's Cross Social Club, 2 Britannia St, WC1X 9JE, 7pm

The Duke Mitchell team are guaranteed to put on a superbly planned show and this one - which will include the best 'long' short films that they've discovered over the past 12 months - promises to be a highlight of the film club's current season.

The Duke himself has been in touch and has given Capital Celluloid a sneak preview of the delights on offer at tonight's event. The trailers will be a collection of films the Duke really wants to see in the next few years as well as a few oddities. The centrepiece of the night, though, are the shorts, goodies they've always wanted to show at Duke Mitchell nights but - for some reason or another - couldn't.

Here is a trailer for a short horror film the Duke is screening called AM1200. It's a chiller. 

More details about the night from the Duke himself can be found here.

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