Capital Celluloid - Day 151: Thursday June 2

A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick, 1971): Brunel University, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge Middlesex 6.30pm

Stanley Kubrick's controversial film, withdrawn from circulation by its director for many years, needs little introduction but See Films Differently, the organisation that has arranged this screening, may well do. They show movies at locations where they were filmed as their publicity for tonight's event explains:

'Those lucky enough to attend will be watching the film in the actual lecture theatre where Alex DeLarge underwent controversial aversion therapy. Thankfully, our guests will be able to enjoy the evening in considerably more comfort than Alex (he was strapped down and drugged with his eyelids forced open). In fact, the evening promises to be a premium movie experience, including refreshments, a live string quartet and a special exhibition in a themed ‘Moloko’ bar. And who knows, you may even be surprised by a special guest or two…

The event is taking place on Thursday 2nd June at Brunel University Middlesex. The campus is on Kingston Lane off Hillingdon Hill, about a mile south of Uxbridge tube station (a short cab or bus ride away).

Applications for tickets are now closed. We will however, be giving away a limited number of tickets on the door. These will be on a ‘first come first served’ basis, so if you’d like to come along on the night, be sure to arrive early. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Entry is subject to venue capacity and management reserve the right to refuse entry.'

Sounds very intriguing. Of course many won't be able to make it so for those who want to see a film in London tonight, here's an alternative:

Bad Company (Benton, 1972): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.10pm

The Jeff Bridges season continues at BFI Southbank with this impressive revisionist western from the early 70s.

Here is the Time Out review:

'Benton's first film, a Western good enough to make everything he has done since seem disappointing by comparison. Set in 1863, with Union troops scouring the countryside for reluctant recruits who scurry about dressed as girls, it offers Vietnam parallels for the asking, but is really more concerned with the old mythologies as the innocent young hero sets off in best Horatio Alger fashion to seek safety, fame and fortune out West. Wandering through a land of russet melancholy (superb camerawork by Gordon Willis), he and the ragtail gang of youths he falls in with find themselves light years away from the myth of the heroic West. A few inhabitants scratch a miserable existence on chicken farms. The gunfighters are sordid, petty crooks who hit and run. Everybody else seems to be coming or going, cursing the ill luck which brought them to this wilderness. And virtue, as the young man discovers to his cost, is the first thing to go west. Elegantly and engagingly funny, it is filmed with a loving care for period detail which gives the images the feel of animated tintypes.' Tom Milne

This screening will feature an extended season introduction by Geoff Andrew. You can find Ryan Gilbey's Guardian article here on what Bridges' friends, co-stars and directors make of the lugubrious star.

Here is an extract from the film.

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