Capital Celluloid - Day 209: Saturday July 30

Wild Grass (Resnais, 2009): BFI Southbank, 8.10pm

"It starts like a Brian De Palma movie . . ." So says Adrian Martin at the start of his review here of the 88-year-old Alain Resnais's most recent film Wild Grass. This is guaranteed to startle and puzzle the way only Resnais can. Indeed Jonathan Romney in the Independent concludes: "What really makes the film, though, is its closing flourish – just when the budding romance seems to gel, Resnais and his runaway camera give matters a final enigmatic shake-up. The ending is as baffling as the last moments of 2001, and in its way, as eerie"

Time Out review:

'It’s based on a surreal novel by French author Christian Gailly called ‘L’Incident’ and details the fallout of a preposterous romance that forms between antisocial house husband Georges Palet (André Dussollier) and dentist-cum-budding aviatrix, Marguerite Muir (Azéma) when her purse is snatched and he recovers it. Every frame is filled with blushed neon hues that look like they’ve been filmed through a smear of Vaseline. The kinetic camera hovers and glides around scenes, at one point even leaping over the top of a house. These stylistic elements –  along with a dainty, midi-jazz score – lend the film a dreamlike quality. What’s it all about, though? It could be everything and nothing. There are allusions to psychosis, chaos, reincarnation, anxiety, communication and even the romanticised nature of cinema itself. It’s cheeky and confident, maybe one of the director’s finest, and its loopy final line is the cryptic cherry on this oddball gâteau.' David Jenkins

Here is the trailer. 

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