Capital Celluloid - Day 290: Wednesday Oct 19

Wanda (Loden, 1970): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.15pm
This film is also on at BFI Southbank on Thursday 20th at 3.30pm. Details here

I saw this landmark American independent film a fortnight ago ahead of a feature I wrote for the Guardian on the movie which you can read here. If I see a better film at the festival this year I will be very surprised. At the time of writing there are some tickets left for the Thursday screening. My advice is to snap them up.

Wanda is screening as part of the London Film Festival. Here is my general introduction to the festival. Over the length of the festival I will pick a film a day. I am as confident as I can be that this is the pick of the movies within the parameters I have set - the movies you are likely to get a ticket for and the ones you are unlikely to see in London very soon unless you go to the festival.

Chicago Reader review:

'Perhaps the most depressing film ever made, this 1971 feature by director-actress Barbara Loden tells of a young, ignorant, emotionally deadened, and hopelessly dreary woman from the coal-mining region of Pennsylvania whose life is a succession of dead ends. Doomed from the start to a life of ignorance and boredom, she's victimized by her surroundings, by men hardly less dreary than she, and by her sex. A brilliantly atmospheric film with a superb performance by Loden.' Don Druker

You can see extracts from the film here in an interview with Loden's husband Elia Kazan.

Here is an article on the excellent Senses of Cinema website about Wanda.

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