Capital Celluloid - Day 296: Tuesday Oct 25

Better This World (Galloway & Duane De la Vega, 2011): Vue, Leicester Square, 9pm
This film is also at Vue on Wednesday 26th at 3.45pm. Details here.

Better This World is screening as part of the London Film Festival. Here is my general introduction to the festival. Over the length of the festival I will pick a film a day. I am as confident as I can be that this is the pick of the movies within the parameters I have set - the movies you are likely to get a ticket for and the ones you are unlikely to see in London very soon unless you go to the festival.

Time Out review:

'The stark reality of America’s post-9/11 surveillance state is laid bare in this riveting documentary. David McKay and Bradley Crowder, the ‘Texas Two’, were young activists whose misguided determination to disrupt the 2008 Republican Convention led to their incarceration on domestic terrorism charges. The resulting trials not only exposed a network of law enforcement mishaps, corrupt informants and travesties of justice, but revealed the adolescent machismo of the country’s haphazard resistance movement, all of which is covered here with the pace and intensity of a political thriller. But the film truly hits home in the final stages, as McKay is released on bail pending a retrial and visits his family in full knowledge that he’ll have to give himself up and return to prison: a sequence of astonishing pathos and dignity.' Tom Huddleston

Here is the trailer.

Here is the LFF's main website for the general information you need. Don't worry if the film is sold out as there are always some tickets on offer which go on sale 30 minutes before each screening. Here is the information you need to get those standby tickets.

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