Capital Celluloid - Day 342: Sunday Dec 11

The Curse of the Cat People (Wise, 1944) & Tales from the Crypt (Francis, 1972):
Roxy Bar & Screen, 3pm

A superb double-bill from the Classic Horror Campaign, a pressure group trying its best to get horror films back on our TV screens. You can find out more about them via this Facebook page. And more about this afternoon's brilliant pre-Christmas double-bill here.

Time out review of Curse of the Cat People:

'Though very different in purpose and tone to Cat People, Val Lewton's 'sequel' is far more closely tied to its predecessor than is commonly believed. For one thing, all the main characters remain very much the same as they were in the earlier film, to which there are many specific references; for another, both films concern the way that guilt, fear and fantasy can arise from isolation and misunderstanding. In this case, it's a small girl, lonely and repeatedly scolded by her parents and shunned by her friends for indulging in day-dreaming; when she populates her solitary world with the ghost of her father's dead first wife (Simon, heroine of Cat People), her imagination (or is it?) gets her into serious trouble. Far from being a horror film, it's a touching, perceptive and lyrical film about childhood, psychologically astute and occasionally disturbing as it focuses entirely on the child's-eye view of a sad, cruel world.'
Geoff Andrew

Here is the trailer.


Classic Horror Campaign review of Tales from the Crypt: 

'Of all the Amicus portmanteau collections that made it onto TV in the mid seventies the film that sticks in my memory of illicit late night sessions spent inches from the glowing screen, volume turned down to avoid detection is the aptly named Tales From The Crypt (1972). You’ll be meeting a nice mix of familiar faces some fresh some fading all assigned easily recognisable cameos, the arrogant military type (Nigel Patrick), the flamboyant art lover (Richard Greene), the scheming wife (Joan Collins), the unfaithful husband (Ian Hendry), the suburban snob (Robin Phillips), they’re all here.

'Drawing its inspiration from the fifties horror comic of the same name, stylistically Tales From The Crypt is rooted in the seventies. Only the underlying moral of each tale remains timeless. It's very witty and boasts some great performances. Worthy of particular merit is Peter Cushing as Grimsdyke the put-upon pensioner who turns up with a valentine card no-one wants to receive and Nigel Patrick who ends up at the sharp end of Patrick Magee’s sightless avenger.'

Here is the trailer. 

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