Capital Celluloid 2012 - Day 7: Saturday Jan 7

Brief Encounter (Lean, 1945): The Screen @RADA, Malet St, WC1E 7JN, 7pm

A beautifully acted British cinema classic and I can't think of a more appropriate place to watch it. The BFI Film Classics collection includes this film - it is written by Richard Dyer and I can thoroughly recommend it. Details here.

Time Out review:

'Critics love to pick at Lean and Coward's oh-so-polite study of English romanticism and repression, but frankly its their loss: those willing to give themselves over to its intense mood of swooning, tightlipped desperation will find themselves swept up in one of the most vivid and impassioned doomed romances ever committed to celluloid. Note-perfect acting and indelible location photography add to what is, in emotional terms at least, arguably the great director's finest hour.' Tom Huddleston

Here is the trailer. 

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