Capital Celluloid 2012 - Day 149: Mon May 28

Torture Garden (Francis, 1967): Film Club at Sanctum Hotel, Soho, 7pm

The Film Club at the Sanctum Hotel put on some wonderful movies and you can read more about them here at their Facebook page.

Time Out review:
'The second Amicus horror omnibus and one of the best, with a clever framing device involving Burgess Meredith as a Mephistophelean fairground charlatan who offers clients grisly glimpses of the future, in four Robert Bloch stories which get progressively better until the splendid climax of The Man Who Collected Poe. Terrific performances from Jack Palance as the manic Poe collector who achieves apotheosis by turning himself into a character straight out of one of Poe's more apocalyptic stories, and from John Standing as a concert pianist saddled with a murderously possessive grand piano.'
Tom Milne
Here is the trailer.

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