Capital Celluloid 2012 - Day 312: Wed Nov 7

The Shining (Kubrick, 1980): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 8.15pm

This Stanley Kubrick classic is on an extended run at BFI Southbank and screens from Wednesday 31 October to Friday 30 November. I am including tonight's screening because the film is preceded by a discussion with director Ben Wheatley, critics Michel Ciment and Kim Newman and Kubrick's longstanding collaborator Jan Harlan entitled The Shining: Horror's Greatest Achievement? The event is chaired by producer Tanya Seghatchian and you can find more details here.

If you want to read an intelligent discussion on the movie, and a good introduction to tonight's discussion here is one by long-time fan Jonathan Romney in the Independent on Sunday.

Here is the trailer.

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