Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 56: Mon Feb 25

Three Crowns of the Sailor (Ruiz, 1983): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.10pm
This screening is part of the Passport to Cinema season at BFI Southbank and is introduced by Independent on Sunday film critic, Jonathan Romney.

Chicago Reader review:
Raul Ruiz's compendium of old sea stories, drawn from Dinesen, Andersen, Stevenson, and Conrad, and knitted together into a tale of wonderful complexity. Ruiz plays a game with the audience, challenging us to find the patterns within the film's apparently arbitrary events, and then asking us to find the patterns that unite the patterns. Paradoxes build on paradoxes and logic on illogic, and yet the game has a serious end, building toward a world stripped of substance, in which everything signifies but nothing means. The visual style, based on Welles but with its own surprising directions, is just as imaginative.
Dave Kehr

Here is an extract from the film.

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