Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 71: Tue Mar 12

Hawks and Sparrows (Pasolini, 1966): BFI Southbank, NFT1 8.40pm
This film is screening as part of the Pier Paolo Pasolini season at the BFI.

Chicago Reader review:
'Pier Paolo Pasolini was a major theorist as well as a leader in the Italian avant-garde. This film, made in 1965 immediately after his famous (and notorious) The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, reveals the structuralist's fascination with the transplantation of myth, as Pasolini relates the tale of everyman, using Toto (Italy's most famous comic actor) as the father and Ninetto Davoli as his empty-headed son. There's also a talking crow that says things like “The age of Brecht and Rossellini is finished.”'
Don Druker

Here are the amazing opening titles.

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