Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 117: Sat Apr 27

Upstream Color (Carruth, 2012): London O2 Arena, 8.45pm
This film, the long-awaited follow-up to Shane Carruth's 2004 film Primer, screens as part of the London Sundance Film Festival. More details here. This movie will also be shown on the April 25th (8.45pm) and April 28th (11.30am).

The press screening held on Monday 22nd April resulted in plenty of positive notices.

Sundance Festival introduction: Shane Carruth’s sensuously directed and much anticipated sophomore effort (his feature debut, Primer, won the Sundance Film Festival 2004 Grand Jury Prize) is a truly remarkable film that lies beyond the power of language to communicate while it delivers a cohesive sensory experience. At the 2013 Sundance Film Festival Upstream Color took home a Special Jury Award for its Sound Design. With its muscular cinematic language rooted in the powerful yearnings felt before words can be formed, Upstream Color is an entirely original, mythic, romantic thriller that goes in search of truths that lie just beyond our reach.

Here is the trailer.

For other Sundance London highlights take a look at Emma Simmond's article here.

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