Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 151: Fri May 31

The Spongers (Joffe, 1978): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.20pm
This celebrated 1970s BBC Play for Today production is being screened as part of the Tony Garnett season. More details here.

Here is the BFI introduction to the evening: Once more proving his ability to spot talent, Garnett was responsible for providing Roland JoffĂ© with his full-length directorial debut. Set during the 1977 Jubilee celebrations, Jim Allen’s script focuses on the plight of Pauline as she struggles to make ends meet. With a searing contemporary relevance, the film shows the human cost of decisions made by bureaucratic committees as council budgets are put under increasing pressure. Christine Hargreaves’ performance is devastating as we see the full impact of these decisions on her children. One of the most important plays of the 70s, it still speaks loudly to our conscience today.

Tony Garnett will introduce this screening and take questions afterwards.

You can get a feel for the play on YouTube here

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