Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 166: Sat Jun 15

Tale of Tales (Norstein, 1979):
Deptford Film Club, St Nicholas’ Church, Deptford Green, Deptford SE8 3DQ

Following last year’s massively popular free short film screenings Brothers Quay in the Crypt, the Dep[tford Film Club return to the spooky underground space beneath St Nicholas’ Church in Deptford.

Yuri Norstein (or Norshteyn) is known as one of the world’s greatest animators. Born to a Jewish family in the village of Andreyevka, he grew up in the suburbs of Moscow. After working as an animation artist in some fifty films, Norstein began directing his own in 1968.

Norstein animations have been showered with international awards, and his Tale of Tales has been twice named ‘Best Animated Film of All Time’. His animation technique involves multiple glass planes which can move horizontally as well as toward and away from the camera, giving his animation a magically three-dimensional look.
The film club will be in the crypt from 1.00pm. The short films will run for 90 minutes or so, and then play again at about 3pm. Audience members are welcome to wander in and out as they please, or stay for all six films.

You can see an example of his work here.

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