Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 236: Sat Aug 24

The Dead 2: India (Howard & Jon Ford): Empire Leicester Square, 11am

This screening takes place on the third day of Fright Fest 2013, the UK's premiere international fantasy and horror film festival. You can find the details of the festival here. I am indebted to horror film expert Nigel Floyd and Cigarette Burns' Josh Saco for the suggestions and selections.

Fright Fest introduction: Another darkly mysterious continent becomes an inhospitable and dangerous dead zone in the highly anticipated follow-up to the award-winning Ford Brothers’ critically acclaimed zombie road movie THE DEAD. Launched at FrightFest 2010 to eventual massive global success, the cult commercial franchise moves to the hustle and bustle of India as the devastating zombie outbreak takes hold and British turbine engineer Nicholas Burton must trek from one side of the country to the other if he is ever to see his pregnant girlfriend Ishani again. But it’s a journey he must undertake if he is to save the love of his life and his unborn child from an impending flesh-eating zombie holocaust. Set against the spectacular vistas and stunning scenery of Rajasthan, THE DEAD 2: INDIA puts the Ford Brothers’ unique apocalyptic vision on a far bigger canvas in terms of breathtaking scope, thrilling action, death-defying stunts, emotional resonance and spine-tingling fright.

Here is the trailer.

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