Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 307: Sun Nov 3

No1 Alice Sweet Alice (Sole, 1976): Dissenting Academy (pub), Newington Green, N1

Here's the Cigarette Burns introduction: End the long Hallowe'en week with a roast followed by a free film buzzing out of the glorious old projector - no digital here.

A long overlooked gem of the evil child genre. Featuring a young Brooke Shields in her first role, and a downright nasty Paula E. Sheppard in the title role. Definitely a rare opportunity to catch this on film, or even a public screening.

The print is the original US print with the title COMMUNION, before it was rereleased under ALICE, SWEET ALICE or later still as HOLY TERROR. 


No2 The Beyond (Fulci, 1971): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.30pm

This film, which is in the Gothic season at BFI Southbank, is also being screened on October 28th when it will be introduced by writer Roger Luckhurst. Details here.

BFI introduction: Telling of a New Orleans hotel built upon one of the seven gateways to Hell, The Beyond eschews genre conventions in favour of confrontational surrealism and gore. Lucio Fulci’s Gothic classic is a fragmented fever-dream of striking set-pieces (in which eyes are gouged out and faces melted with acid). It is memorable for its violence and atmosphere but also for Fabio Frizzi’s remarkable score and its stylish cinematography.James Blackford

The BFI are screening a new uncut 35mm print of the English version of the film.

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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