Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 321: Sun Nov 17

Bride of Frankenstein (Whale, 1935): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 6.30pm

This film is showing as part of the BFI Gothic season and also screens on November 20th. Tonight's screening will be introduced by Sara Karloff. Details here.

Chicago Reader:
James Whale's quirky, ironic 1935 self-parody is, by common consent, superior to his earlier Frankenstein (1931). Whale added an element of playful sexuality to this version, casting the proceedings in a bizarre visual framework that makes this film a good deal more surreal than the original. Elsa Lanchester is the reluctant bride; Boris Karloff returns as the love-starved monster. Weird and funny.
Don Druker

Here and above is the great scene in which the monster meets the blind man.

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