Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 331: Tue Nov 26

Blue Is the Warmest Colour (Kechiche, 2013): Rio Cinema, 4.15 & 8pm and other cinemas

A rare recommendation for a new film being widely distributed on a quiet night on the rep scene.

Time Out review:
Blue is the Warmest Colour’ is a minutely detailed, searingly erotic three-hour study of first lesbian love. From this simple, not especially unique love story, Kechiche has fashioned an intimate epic in every sense of the term, its every subtle emotional turn rendered widescreen on Exarchopoulos’s exquisitely expressive face. Just 19 years old, the actress effortlessly charts Adèle’s growth from young adult to young woman. Typically for a Kechiche film, meanwhile, her individual journey is set within a bustling, articulate network of friends, family and food. He remains a most sociable filmmaker, which makes his new film’s tingly behind-closed-doors tenderness all the more remarkable.
Guy Lodge

Here and above is the trailer.

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