Capital Celluloid 2014 - Day 15: Wed Jan 15

A Field In England (Wheatley, 2013):

The London Short Film Festival runs from 10th to 19th January. Here is the Little White Lies magazine pick of the top ten screenings.

This is part of the London Short Film Festival and here is the LSFF introduction:
A unique audio and visual spectacular, bringing together the cult film of 2013 and one of the most original electronic post-rock bands of recent years for a marriage made in heaven… or hell! Teeth of the Sea have taken the psychic spectres of A Field in Englandand allied them to the apparitions of their imagination to create a laser-guided metaphysical foray, cinematic in scope. Ben Wheatley’s film is a psychedelic trip into the English Civil War, as a small group of deserters flee from a raging battle through an overgrown field. Teeth of the Sea’s aural and visual remix of Jim Williams’ score and Wheatley’s filmmaking re-interprets the film to extend it in a myriad of directions.

Plus The Quietus present a new series of documentary films, looking at contemporary music figures and their unusual hobbies… See New Order’s Stephen Morris show us around his private tank collection, and more! 

Here (and above) is the A Field in England trailer.



The Hands of Orlac (Wiene, 1924): Barts Pathology Museum, 6.30pm

Barts Pathology Museum have a silent films season in January. Full details here.

Here is Pamela Huntchinson's introduction from here Silent London blog: 'First, a recap. If you don’t know Barts Pathology Museum, that is because it is one of the capital’s best-kept secrets – a stunning Grade II listed 19th-century hall where quirky medical specimens are displayed. The hall has a glass roof, because once upon a time medical students would dissect cadavers there. You can read more about the history of the museum and its many fascinating artefacts on the museum blog, here. Entry to the museum is by appointment only, but the doors are open on selected evenings for a series of lectures and events on subjects ranging from film noir to taxidermy to dentistry. Your humble scribe was there last November, giving an illustrated talk on silent cinema. The January screenings are supported by Hendrick’s Gin, and entry to each film includes a G&T and some delicious, freshly popped popcorn as well as the film. I will be there to introduce the screenings and the the first movie in the series features live musical accompaniment, too.'

Chicago Reader review:
Robert Wiene's legendary 1924 silent—about a pianist (Conrad Veidt) who gets a hand transplant and then discovers he has an impulse to kill—plays a significant role in Malcolm Lowry's novel Under the Volcano. The film's been remade several times, but reportedly this first version is the best of the lot.
Jonathan Rosenabum

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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