Capital Celluloid 2014 - Day 103: Sun Apr 13

Girlfriends (Weill, 1978): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 6.20pm

This screening, part of the Birds Eye View Film Festival, is the sixth movie curated by I Am Dora, a film series and publication exploring how female characters in film affect women’s perceptions of themselves. You can find more details on the I Am Dora Facebook page.

Here is the BFI Southbank introduction: Struggling photographer Susan flatshares with best friend Anne, but when Anne gets married Susan must fend for herself. Claudia Weill’s woefully neglected gem celebrates the comedy and confusion of young single life in New York – decades before Girls and Frances Ha made it a phenomenon. Championed by Stanley Kubrick on its original release and recently ‘re-discovered’ by Lena Dunham, Girlfriends is finally receiving the attention it deserves.

‘The missing link between Woody Allen and Lena Dunham. A forgotten gem to discover at Birds Eye View. I love it.’ Cath Clarke, Time Out

Here (and above) is an extract.

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