Capital Celluloid 2014 - Day 161: Wed Jun 11

Lolita (Kubrick, 1962): Prince Charles Cinema, 8.30pm

This screens as part of the Stanley Kubrick season at the Prince Charles.
Full details here.

Chicago Reader review:
Keeping his misanthropic tendencies somewhat in check, Stanley Kubrick made a solid film (1962) out of Vladimir Nabokov's notorious and brilliant novel. James Mason is the pederastic representative of Old Europe, yearning after the 14-year-old flower of American girlhood, Lolita (Sue Lyon). Where Nabokov was witty, Kubrick is sometimes merely snide, but fine performances (particularly from Peter Sellers, as the ominous Clare Quilty) cover most of the rough spots. With Shelley Winters.
Dave Kehr

Here is the trailer.

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