Capital Celluloid 2014 - Day 246: Thu Sep 4

Judex (Franju, 1963): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 8.30pm

This film follows a Sight & Sound panel discussion on the work and legacy of the British film critic Raymond Durgnat.

Chicago Reader review:
There's a world of difference between the natural, “found” surrealism of Louis Feuillade's lighthearted French serial (1914) and the darker, studied surrealism and campy piety of this 1964 remake by Georges Franju. Yet in Franju's hands the material has its own magic (and deadpan humor), which makes this one of the better features of his middle period. Judex (Channing Pollack) is a cloaked hero who abducts a villainous banker to prevent the evil Diana (Francine BergĂ© in black tights) from stealing a fortune from the banker's virtuous daughter. Some of what Franju finds here is worthy of Cocteau, and as he discovered when he attempted another pastiche of Feuillade's work in color, black and white is essential to the poetic ambience. With Jacques Jouanneau and Sylva Koscina. In French with subtitles.
Jonathan Rosenabum

Here (and above) is an extract.

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