Capital Celluloid 2015 - Day 81: Sun Mar 22

Hotel Du Nord (Carne, 1938): Cine Lumiere 2pm

This is part of the Sunday Classics season at the Cine Lumiere. Full details here.

Time Out review:
A very likeable film, but for once denied a Jacques PrĂ©vert script, Marcel CarnĂ©'s 'poetic realism' seems a trifle thin and hesitant in this populist yarn about a sleazy Parisian hotel and its inhabitants. While the sad young lovers (Annabella, Aumont) defy their jobless future in a suicide pact, Arletty and Jouvet run cynically away with the film as a pair of hardbitten rogues. But the real star is Trauner, whose studio sets - the mournful canal bank, the little iron bridge, the shabby rooms - are as amazingly evocative as Maurice Jaubert's score.
Tom Milne

Here (and above) is an extract.

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