Capital Celluloid 2015 - Day 129: Sat May 9

Thou Gild'st The Even (Unlu, 2013): Rio Cinema, 11.30pm

This film is part of the London Turkish Film Festival which runs from 7th to 17th May. You can read all the details of the festival here. This movie won best film at the 32nd Istanbul Film Festival.

London Turkish Film Festival preview:A strange but beautiful black-and-white mix of comedy, tragedy and fantasy with a hint of poetry and a touch of splatter movie, Thou Gids't the Even recountsf the ordinary troubles of people with extraordinary abilities. It explores sorrow, hope, and the insanity of human nature through the life of Cemal a bored and depressed football referee in a small Turkish town with two suns and three full moons. He wanders through life despondent and unfulfilled whilst surrounded by an invisible teacher, an immortal doctor, and a beautiful girl who can stop time with a clap of her hands. The apparent absurdity of it all is truly captivating.

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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