Capital Celluloid 2015 - Day 348: Mon Dec 14

Gone With The Wind (Fleming, 1939): BFI IMAX, 6.30pm

This is part of the 'BFI Love: Power of Love' season. Full details here.

Chicago Reader review:
A critic-proof movie if there ever was one: it isn't all that good, but somehow it's great. The first part, in which the gracefully moving camera of George Cukor (soon to be replaced) establishes the ordered world of Tara in elegant visual terms, is really very fine. But the last half is all slow, desultory denouement, and the death of the little girl is the dirtiest kind of screenwriter's trick. No one I know of has yet solved the secret of this 1939 film's apparently timeless appeal, though I'd guess it has something to do with the elaborate mechanisms of fate, history, and sex brought to bear on Scarlett, whose overweening libido must be punished as magnificently as it has been celebrated. The striking color overlays, which are the film's sole stylistic eccentricity, were the contribution of that cryptic auteur, production designer William Cameron Menzies. Victor Fleming signed it, though there were many, many fingers in this particular pie.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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