Capital Celluloid 2016 - Day 116: Mon Apr 25

Baal (Clarke, 1982): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.20pm

This screening of a 1982 BBC production starring David Bowie in the title role is part of the Alan Clarke season at BFI Southbank. You can find the full details of all the films by the director being screened at the BFI here and this TV play also screens on 26th April.

BFI introduction to tonight's film:
Clarke was obsessed by Brecht, and here committed to video a version of the great man’s earliest play – the story of a chaos-creating, unkempt poet who crashes into Bavarian high society. The late and lamented David Bowie is suitably debauched as the eponymous anti-hero, and lends his vocals to several Brecht ballads.

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