Capital Celluloid 2016 - Day 192: Mon Jul 11

Old Joy (Reichardt, 2006): Prince Charles Cinema, 6.30pm

This is part of a Kelly Reichardt season at the Prince Charles. Full details here.

Chicago Reader review:
Two old pals, hoping to renew their friendship as they approach middle age, drive into the Oregon wilderness in search of a mountain spring, but the natural purity they find there only accentuates the compromises of their everyday lives. This quiet, elegiac road movie hinges on a few beautifully underplayed scenes between Daniel London and Will Oldham, but director Kelly Reichardt enlarges their emotional context with long stretches of western scenery pouring through the windows of London's car as he drives. As greenery gives way to industrial landscape and daylight fades into night, the two travelers' exhausted relationship begins to mirror a nation's spent ambition.
JR Jones

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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