Capital Celluloid 2016 - Day 211: Sat Jul 30

Under the Cherry Moon (Prince, 1986): Prince Charles Cinema 6.20pm

This 35mm screening is part of the 'Check The Gate' season at the Prince Charles, dedicated to presenting films on film that will run at the cinema from 9th July to August 20th.

Chicago Reader review:
Prince directed himself in this 1986 drama, in which he plays a Cote d'Azur gigolo romancing an inaccessibly rich French lass. The Marienbad pretension hangs thick and heavy over everything—Michael Ballhaus's glossy black-and-white cinematography, the would-be elegance, the relentless dissociation of image and meaning (though for Prince, dissociation and linearity are the same thing: every impossible scene invites a literal reading). But why pick the wings off flies? Prince's narcissism is easier to take than than that of his contemporaries Sylvester Stallone or Rob Lowe: he doesn't regard the rest of the world as an insult to his estimable self. With Kristin Scott-Thomas.
Pat Thomas

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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