Capital Celluloid 2016 - Day 294: Fri Oct 21

Hallelujah! (Vidor, 1929): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.10pm

This 35mm screening is part of the Black Star season at BFI Southbank. Details here. The film will be introduced by historian Stephen Bourne.

Chicago Reader review:
King Vidor's 1929 talkie was one of the first to take the microphone outdoors. Its reputation rests on its creative use of sound (notably in the chase finale), but the film is equally impressive for its use of space—the open fields that contrast, in their full, fluid dimensionality, with the purposefully flat, cramped interiors. A melodrama with an all-black cast, the film was socially advanced for its time, less so for ours.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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