Capital Celluloid 2016 - Day 304: Mon Oct 31

Fox and His Friends (Fassbinder, 1975): Barbican Cinema, 6.30pm

This 35mm presentation is part of the Barbican's Cheap Thrills season. You can find all the details of the season here.

Chicago Reader review:
This 1975 melodrama by Rainer Werner Fassbinder is one of his better middle-period films. A fairgrounds worker (Fassbinder) who wins a small fortune in a state lottery is exploited and eventually destroyed by his effete bourgeois lover (Karlheinz Boehm) and the lover's stuck-up friends. Very sharp about class and milieu, the film is limited only by Fassbinder's characteristic enjoyment of the hero-victim's pain. At one point the camera is even stationed on a floor a moment before the hapless hero slips and falls, in sadistic anticipation of his mishap. As with much of Fassbinder's work, his cruelty complicates rather than negates his mordant, on-target social analysis.
Jonathan Rosenbaum

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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