Capital Celluloid 2016 - Day 315: Fri Nov 11

Bride of Frankenstein (Whale, 1935): Picturehouse Central, 10pm

This screening is part of a Universal Monsters season at Picturehouse Cinemas. You can find the full details here.

Chicago Reader review:
James Whale's quirky, ironic 1935 self-parody is, by common consent, superior to his earlier Frankenstein (1931). Whale added an element of playful sexuality to this version, casting the proceedings in a bizarre visual framework that makes this film a good deal more surreal than the original. Elsa Lanchester is the reluctant bride; Boris Karloff returns as the love-starved monster. Weird and funny.
Don Druker

Here (and above) is the trailer.

'Alone ... bad ... friend ... good'

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