Capital Celluloid 2017 - Day 74: Wed Mar 15

Things To Come (Menzies, 1936): Prince Charles Cinema, 8.45pm

This 35mm screening is part of the excellent '10th Anniversary Fashion in Film Festival'. You can find the full details here. The movie is introduced by Sir Christopher Frayling, the author of the BFI Film Classics volume on the film.

Time Out review:
HG Wells thought Metropolis to be 'quite the silliest film', but a decade later Alexander Korda gave him enormous creative freedom to write a movie version of The Shape of Things to Come, which turned out to be just as silly. However, like Metropolis, it isn't just silly. It is a spectacular production wherein Wells takes his 'science versus art' preoccupations into the future (as seen from the '30s); and to make it work, only lacks the kind of pure cinematic form which a Powell/Pressburger would have given it, for its scale and love of 'ideas' pre-figure their films and make it just as unique in British cinema history. In the realm of 'prophetic science fiction', it is a genre landmark.
Chris Wicking

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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