Capital Celluloid 2017 - Day 170: Wed Jun 21

The Beguiled (Siegel, 1971): Prince Charles Cinema, 6.25pm

Don't miss this 35mm presentation of Don Siegel's excellent 1971 film ahead of Sofia Coppola's remake which is released nationally on June 23rd.

Chicago Reader review:
Don Siegel and Clint Eastwood took time out from their popular series of Universal programmers for this very personal exercise in American gothic (1971)—one that should have played the art houses rather than the drive-ins. Eastwood is a wounded Union soldier stranded in Confederate territory, who finds refuge of a sort in a girls' school run by Geraldine Page. The film is hushed and evocative, full of menace and barely suppressed hysteria.
Dave Kehr 

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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