Capital Celluloid 2017 - Day 181: Sun Jul 2

Kramer vs Kramer (Benton, 1979): BFI Southbank, NFT, 5.50pm

This 35mm presentation screens in the Dustin Hoffman season at BFI Southbank and is also being shown on July 4th. Full details here.

Time Out review:
A high class modern weepie. While Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep come to terms with divorce and battle over who gets the brat, Robert Benton forsakes the eccentric and original delights of his earlier films (Bad Company, The Late Show) and turns in a very solid and professional domestic melodrama, helped no end by some very fine naturalistic performances. As sensitive and as unremarkable as your average Truffaut film, and as ambivalent in its sexual politics.
Geoff Andrew

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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