Capital Celluloid 2018 - Day 50: Mon Feb 19

Harold and Maude (Ashby, 1971): Prince Charles Cinema, 6.35pm

This event is part of the Valentines programme at the Prince Charles Cinema. Full details here.

Time Out review: 
'Like Bob Rafelson, a director similarly obsessed with the trials and tribulations of the children of the rich, Hal Ashby forever treads the thin line between whimsy and absurdity and 'tough' sentimentality and black comedy. Harold and Maude is the story of a rich teenager (Bud Cort) obsessed with death - his favourite pastime is trying out different mock suicides - who is finally liberated by his (intimate) friendship with Ruth Gordon, an 80-year-old funeral freak. It is most successful when it keeps to the tone of an insane fairy story set up at the beginning of the movie.'
Phil Hardy

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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