Capital Celluloid 2018 - Day 158: Sat Jun 16

Beauty and the Beast (Cocteau, 1946): Everyman Screen on the Green, 11.30pm

This film is part of a superb three-week late-night season at the Screen on the Green.

Introduction to Screen on the Green/Zabludowicz Collection season:
From camp to cult to classic, this series screenings feature rarely seen films and avant-garde shorts inspired by and of influence on artists Ericka Beckman and Marianna Simnett. Currently on view at the Zabludowicz Collection, their work ventures from video games and fairy tales to shudder-inducing surgery, resulting in an eclectic mix for these Late Nights. More details here.

Chicago Reader review:
A sublime, sumptuous film directed by Jean Cocteau with the help of René Clément (1946). Cocteau re-creates the classic story of the beauty who gives herself to the beast to save her father, and whose growing love eventually transforms him into a handsome prince, with a brilliant blend of decor (sets by Christian Berard), human forms (superb makeup by Arakelian), and visual effects (dreamlike photography by Henri Alekan). Josette Day, Jean Marais, and Marcel André star.

Don Druker

Here (and above) is the BFI trailer.

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