Capital Celluloid 2018 - Day 176: Wed Jul 4

Breakfast At Tiffany's (Edwards, 1961): Castle Cinema, 7.30pm

This 16mm screening is presented by Cine-Real. More details here.

Guardian review: 
At the risk of infringing some kind of cinema blasphemy law, I have mixed feelings about Blake Edwards's 1961 movie, now re-released for its 50th anniversary. I last watched it 10 years ago, for its 40th, and all that made me groan then was Mickey Rooney's awful impersonation of Holly Golightly's comedy Japanese neighbour, Mr Yunioshi. Now there seem to me more false notes. Audrey Hepburn may be iconic in publicity stills, but actually walking and talking, she looks brittle, affected, sexless and evasive. In this softened version of the Capote original, she is a sphinx whose secret has been coyly removed. Well, the movie still looks very good, and you'd need a heart of stone not to love the cat.
Peter Bradshaw

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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