Capital Celluloid 2018 - Day 320: Mon Nov 26

The Cable Guy (Stiller, 1996): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 8.50pm

This 35mm screening is part of the Comedy Genius season (full details here) but there’s something more than comedy going on here. Something much darker ...

Chicago Reader review:
This curious piece of work (1996) starring Jim Carrey and Matthew Broderick has been passed off as a comedy, and I suppose I laughed a few times during the first third or so; but it coheres only as a vaguely homoerotic nightmare patterned loosely after Fatal Attraction, with suggestive notations on TV pathology. As such it's a fairly interesting effort—much more ambitious than most Carrey vehicles. Broderick plays an architect recently evicted by his girlfriend and getting settled in a new flat; the technician (Carrey) who sets him up with free cable turns out to be a lonely, psychopathic control freak who makes his life miserable. Ben Stiller directs Lou Holtz Jr.'s script with plenty of unsettling edge, and Carrey throws himself into his part as if it meant something.
Jonathan Rosenbaum

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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