Capital Celluloid 2019 - Day 22: Tue Jan 22

New York, New York (Scorsese, 1977): Prince Charles Cinema, 8.20pm

This 35mm presentation is part of a Martin Scorsese season at the Prince Charles Cinema. You can find the full details here.

Time Out review:
Martin Scorsese's tribute/parody/critique of the MGM musical is a razor-sharp dissection of the conventions of both meeting-cute romances and rags-to-riches biopics, as it charts the traumatic love affair between irresponsible but charming jazz saxophonist Robert De Niro (dubbed by George Auld) and mainstream singer Lisa Minnelli. On an emotional level, the film is a powerhouse, offering some of the most convincingly painful rows ever shot; as a depiction of changes in American music and the entertainment world, it is accurate and evocative; and as a commentary on showbiz films, it's a stunner, sounding echoes of Minnelli's own mother's movies and career (particularly A Star Is Born) as well as other classics like On the Town and the first A Star Is Born (in which Stander also appeared). Superbly scored, beautifully designed by Boris Leven to highlight the genre's artificiality, and performed to perfection.
Geoff Andrew

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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