Capital Celluloid 2019 - Day 76: Sun Mar 17

There's Always Tomorrow (Sirk, 1956): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 3pm

This 35mm presentation, part of the Barbara Stanwyck season at BFI Southbank, is also being screened at the cinema on March 19th. Full details here

Chicago Reader review:
Douglas Sirk is best known for his highly stylized Technicolor melodramas, but he also did superlative work in restrained black and white. 
There's Always Tomorrow (1955) is a virtuoso study in tones, ranging from the blinding sunlight of a desert resort to the expressionist shadows of the suburban home where Fred MacMurray lives in unhappy union with Joan Bennett. Barbara Stanwyck is the old flame who turns up by accident, rekindling for MacMurray the dangerous illusion that happiness is still possible.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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