Capital Celluloid 2019 - Day 83: Sun Mar 24

Little Forest (Yim, 2018): Barbican Cinema, 4pm

Barbican Cinema introduction:
Recently graduated from university, Hye-won (Kim Tae-ri) is disillusioned by her life in Seoul – she works a dead-end job and eats terrible food.  After returning to her hometown, in countryside South Korea, she plunges into a journey of self-discovery by rekindling old friendships and cooking up a storm. Yim Soon-rye’s tasty slice of feel-good realism celebrates the restorative ability of food to evoke feelings of tenderness and home, and the power of everyday perseverance within oneself. Based on the slice-of-life manga Ritoru Foresuto by Daisuke Igarashi, Soon-rye uses a colourful and vivid lens to depict the universal toil of finding your way in life.

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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