Capital Celluloid 2019 - Day 167: Sun Jun 16

You Can Count on Me (Lonergan, 2000): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 2pm

This special 35mm screening will be introduced by star of the film, Matthew Broderick.

Time Out review:
This won best screenplay prize at Sundance, and justly so. The tone is a little uncertain at first, as writer/director Lonergan introduces his four characters: Linney's single mom, a Christian who still works in a bank in the town she grew up in; her young son (Culkin); her new boss, the smug and officious Broderick; and her tearaway brother, Ruffalo, who has never settled at anything with anyone. It's not long, though, before we discover that these people have much more in common than they imagine. Lonergan has the rare gift of allowing comic tribulation to deepen his characters, not degrade them (he also has a cameo as the local priest). Linney especially responds with a warm and sympathetic performance.
Tom Charity

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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