Capital Celluloid 2019 - Day 248: Thu Sep 5

The Wanderers (Kaufman, 1979): Prince Charles Cinema, 6.10pm

This is a 40th anniversary 35mm presentation.

Time Out review:
The Bronx, 1963. Gangland. Rumbles, racism, and rock'n'roll; but the times they are a-changin'. Kennedy's dead and the Marines are calling. This adaptation of Richard Price's episodic novel plays like the urban flip-side of American Graffiti: a macho mini-community grows up and apart in the cultural gulf between Dion and Dylan. The comic indulgence is streaked with hindsight analysis and irony, but thankfully avoids moral schematics as the wonderfully-cast characters confront a world beyond their tenement horizons and, well...wander. The film survives cuts to deliver some great, gross, comic book capers. And rock history gets its most intelligent illustration since Mean Streets.
Paul Taylor

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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