Capital Celluloid 2019 - Day 310: Wed Nov 6

The Disorderly Orderly (Tashlin, 1964): Regent Street Cinema, 12pm & 3.30pm

This Frank Tashlin comedy will be presented from a 35mm print.

Chicago Reader review:
This 1964 Jerry Lewis vehicle is the sixth and last directed by his gifted mentor, Frank Tashlin, though it resembles Lewis's own directorial efforts in its focus on pain (it's set almost exclusively in a hospital) and its trading of satire for surreal fantasy, improbably infused with brassy showbiz gusto (Sammy Davis Jr. sings the title tune). There's also a Lewis-like emphasis on bizarre sound gags and abrasive villains (Everett Sloane as a Scrooge type) that contrasts with Tashlin's cartoonish imagery and relative tolerance for fools and assholes. But Lewis's infantile mannerisms are overtaken by the director, who treats the hero as a grown-up struggling with “neurotic identification empathy,” and the movie's finale, with its cascading shopping carts, could only have come from Tashlin. 
Jonathan Rosenbaum

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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