Capital Celluloid 2020 — Day 105: Mon Oct 26

These Birds Walk (Mulliq/Tariq, 2013): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6pm

An inspirational tale of resilience, centred on a young Pakistani boy struggling to survive in Karachi, this film in the Near the Jugular season (full details here) at BFI Southbank is also beign shown on Novenebr 6th and 26th (find out more here).

Chicago Reader review:
First-time directors Omar Mullick and Bassam Tariq intended to make a documentary about Abdul Sattar Edhi, a philanthropist who has opened literally hundreds of facilities for Pakistan's impoverished citizens; but when Edhi suggested they focus on his work rather than on him, they shifted their focus to an ambulance driver employed at one of his medical centers and a boy staying at a shelter for runaway and abandoned children. The impressionistic results succeed in conveying widespread social problems on a relatable scale, as the subjects register throughout as complex individuals. But when the filmmakers step back in the final sequences to consider the magnitude of poverty in Pakistan, the situation seems even more devastating than it did at the outset.
Ben Sachs

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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