Capital Celluloid 2021 — Day 23: Tue Jun 8

Thieves Like Us (Altman, 1974): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 8.30pm

This film, which also screens on June 3rd and 21st, is part of the Robert Altman season.

Time Out review:
Perhaps Robert Altman's most persistently charming film, a remake of Nicholas Ray's They Live By Night (or rather, second adaptation of Edward Anderson's novel), in which a trio of semi-competent bank robbers attempt to emulate the big-time gangsters publicised by the media, comics, and radio serials, and finally get their come-uppance after a brief respite from prison and poverty. Altman adheres to Ray's conception of the youngest criminal (Keith Carradine) and his plain-Jane lover (Shelley Duvall) as innocents all at sea in an uncaring world, although the tone here is one of bitter-sweet irony rather than romantic pessimism. And while casting a critical eye on Depression America, with a New Deal being promised that would keep democracy safe, there is none of the cynicism that has occasionally flawed some of Altman's fascinating genre parodies/tributes. Never portentous, never a mere spoof, this is a touching, intelligent, and - in its own small way - rather wonderful movie.

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